5 Reasons Why You May Be Gaining Weight

Elise Morgan

Sometimes weight gain may not be explained simply by high caloric intake and the consumption of fatty foods. Weight gain can be a complex topic with a host of potential causes. Some of them may be out of your control, but some of the causes are under your control, where you can take active measures to curb or reverse weight gain. Check out the following five reasons why you might be gaining weight.


We lose sleep in the hustle and bustle of daily life and sometimes don’t place the value on it that we should. Research shows that shorter sleep has been correlated with higher incidence of obesity and other metabolic disorders. One reason is that the stress that keeps us up at night releases cortisol that triggers us to store more fat. If you find yourself gaining weight and you have trouble sleeping at night, whether the cause is too much stress on your mind or an uncomfortable bed that causes you pain, it’s important that you take initiatives to make a change and get back to a healthy weight.  Remember that the duration and quality of your sleep is just as important as what kind of food you eat in terms of weight gain.

Medical condition and medications

Weight gain can be a warning sign that you may be experiencing a serious medical condition, such as underactive thyroid, fluid retention, Cushing’s syndrome, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). You could also be gaining weight due to side effects of certain medications, particularly antidepressants, antipsychotics, birth control, steroids, and diabetes medications, which alter body and brain function, including metabolic rate. Review your medications and discuss with your doctor if there are alternatives available or if you can adjust your dosage.

Skipping or rushing meals

It is true that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, where eating early helps you not overeat later when you feel super hungry. In fact, research shows that people who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight. Don’t rush eating meals either, as rushing causes you to eat more than you really need, before your body can tell you that it is full. Chew your food deliberately more and take breaths and water between bites to help establish slower eating habits.

4. Metabolism

Metabolism rates vary from person to person and can be influenced by a multitude of factors like age and genetics. Your metabolism, the rate at which you burn energy, and how your body burns calories and stores fat is significantly influenced by genetics. Genetics doesn’t mean you are helpless though, exercising at least one hour a day, even if you are eating well, makes a big difference. Plus, keeping your muscles active daily makes a big difference too. One thing you can do is invest in a standing desk at work.

5. Sugar

Sugar is in almost everything, even low fat foods. Especially in pre-packaged foods that are low fat, the fat is simply replaced with a high volume of sugar. When we consume excess sugar that our bodies don’t need and can’t process, then that sugar is then stored as fat. Sugar makes you eat more, where fructose in particular can alter your body chemistry. Seek natural foods high in fiber and protein instead, helping you feel full longer and improve overall digestive health.

Weight gain can be so frustrating when it seems like you are doing everything right. Losing weight is not a matter of willpower as much as a combination of factors, where you can positively influence a number of factors that can contribute. The ways you can make a difference can help offset the factors that you cannot change.

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